

The Institute for Human Services collaborates with strategic organizations who share our vision for promoting safety, permanency, and well-being for children.

Founded in 1986, the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC), is a nonprofit, national organization focused on meeting the needs of professionals engaged in all aspects of services for maltreated children and their families. Especially important to APSAC is the dissemination of state-of-the-art practice in all professional disciplines related to child abuse and neglect

Since 2007, International non-governmental organization “International Leadership and Development Center has contributed to protecting children’s rights in Ukraine by developing training programs, training and developing trainers, training managers and specialists in the social sphere, organizing educational events and distributing publications.

Called into ministry in 2002 to equip others for the purpose of ministry. LAMB International is a teaching, training, and consulting ministry. Providing social workers with the necessary training and tools to enable them to help orphaned and abandoned children overseas and providing not-for-profit hospitals and clinics with medical and dental equipment.

Evident Change (formerly known as NCCD) began work in 1907, when we were founded to support and expand the nation’s burgeoning juvenile justice system. Before the creation of the juvenile system, children and teenagers were prosecuted as adults. We promote just and equitable social systems for individuals, families, and communities through research, public policy, and practice.

The New York Foundling, in the tradition of openness and compassion of its sponsors, The Sisters of Charity, helps children, youth and adults in need through efforts that strengthen families and communities and support each individual in reaching his or her potential.

Partnership for Every Child has worked in the field of family separation for over 20 years. Founded in 2009, they focus on preventing loss of parental care for children and ensuring that where children do have to leave, they are protected in a safe, secure family environment.

The Psychological Maltreatment Alliance is a cooperative initiative that develops and promotes research, policy, education, and training to help professionals and parents eliminate the psychological maltreatment of children and to promote child well-being. The Alliance conducts original research to determine the causes and consequences of psychological maltreatment of children and works across multiple sectors on psychological maltreatment prevention.

Contact us if you would like to explore collaborating with us.