Our Publications

Child Maltreatment and Child Protection


Child Protective Services

Hughes, R. C., & Rycus, J. S. (2024). Poverty, Neglect, and Child Protection Reform: An Invited Editorial. Research on Social Work Practice.

Hughes, R.C. and Rycus, J.S. (2024). Issues in Brief: Poverty, Neglect, and Child Protection Reform. Child Maltreatment Policy Resource Center.

Hughes, K.N. & Vandervort, F. (2021). Does mandatory reporting have a place in a more prevention-focused child maltreatment system?” In V.J. Palusci & F.E. Vandervort (Eds.), Preventing child abuse: Critical roles and multiple perspectives. Nova Publishers.

Rycus, J.S. & Hughes, R.C. (2009). Recognizing indicators of child maltreatment. In Roberts, Albert R. (Ed), Social Workers’ Desk Reference, 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press.

Hughes, R.C. (2006, Summer). At issue: ICWA and MEPA/IEPA: Injustice guaranteed. APSAC Advisor, 18(3).

Hughes, R.C. (2006, July). B.A.s are B.S. in child welfare: Did anybody learn anything? Research in Social Work Practice, 16(4), 434-38.

Beeler, N., Schneider, R., Hughes, R. & Lewis, R. (2005, fall). Guidelines for implementing the child abuse prevention and treatment act (CAPTA): 2003 amendments. APSAC Advisor, 17 (4).

Rycus, J. S., & Hughes, R. C. (2005). Guide terrain pour le bien-être des enfants (Vols. I-IV). Éditions Sciences et Culture.

Rycus, J. S., & Hughes, R. C. (1998). Protection and permanence: An integrated model of child welfare practice. Institute for Human Services.

Rycus, J. S., & Hughes, R. C. (1998). Field guide to child welfare (Vol. I: Foundations of Child Protection; Vol. II: Case Planning and Family-Centered Casework; Vol. III: Child Development and Child Welfare; Vol. IV: Placement and Permanence). Child Welfare League of America.

Hughes, R.C. and Rycus, J.S. (1998). Developmental Disabilities and Child Welfare. Child Welfare League of America.

Hughes, R.C. (1994). Defining family preservation and family-centered practice. Heartbeat. Public Children Services Association of Ohio.

Hughes, R.C. (1994). Pride and prejudice. AIM: America's Intercultural Magazine. 21 (2).

Hughes, R.C. (1993, Sept/Oct). Child welfare services for the catastrophically ill newborn: Part II: A guiding ethical paradigm. Child Welfare.

Hughes, R.C. (1993, July/August). Child welfare services for the catastrophically ill newborn: Part I. A confusion of responsibility. Child Welfare.

Hughes, R.C., and Benninger, W.B. (1989). Emancipation assessment battery for independent living. Institute for Human Services.


Abusive Head Trauma

Palusci, V.J. and Rycus, J.S. (2023). Issues in Brief: Preventing Abusive Head Trauma--What Research Can Tell Us. Child Maltreatment Policy Resource Center.

Stern, P., Parish, R., Vandervort, F., & Hughes, R. C. (2019). Statement on litigating cases of abusive head trauma. APSAC Center for Child Policy.  

Roygardner, D., Palusci, V.J., & Hughes, K.N. (2021, October). A structured review of the literature on abusive head trauma prevention. Child Abuse Review.

Roygardner, D., Parrish, R., Palusci, V.J., & Hughes, K.N. (2020). A scoping review of abusive head trauma epidemiology, legal controversies and prevention. In J. Merrick, A. Tenenbaum, & H.A. Omar (Eds.), Building children and youth for the future: Some international aspects. Nova Publishers.  


Child Maltreatment Prevention

Roygardner, D., Hughes, K.N., & Palusci, V.J. (2021). Pathways to prevention: Prevention zones as a strategy for making progress in child maltreatment prevention.” In V.J. Palusci & F.E. Vandervort (Eds.), Preventing child abuse: Critical roles and multiple perspectives. Nova Publishers.  

Roygardner, D., Palusci, V.J., & Hughes, K.N. (2020). Advancing prevention zones: Implementing community-based strategies to prevent child maltreatment and promote healthy families. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 3, 81-91.  

Roygardner, D., Palusci, V.J., & Hughes, K.N. (2020). Leveraging family and community strengths to reduce child maltreatment.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 692(1), 119-139.  


Differential Response

Piper, K.A., Rycus, J.S., Hughes, R.C., et al. (2019). Issues in differential response: Revisited. APSAC Center for Child Policy.  

Hughes, K.N., & Miller, P.J. (2018). APSAC position statement: Separating immigrant children from their families at the United States border.  

Hughes, K.N. (2016). “Pioneer institute: To ensure child safety in Massachusetts, most critical reforms are to state’s DR program. APSAC Advisor, 28, (2).

Hughes, R.C. & Vandervort, F. (2016, fall). Differential response: A misrepresentation of investigation and case fact finding in child protective services. APSAC Advisor.

Hughes, R.C. (2016, fall). When “Just As Safe” and “No Less Safe” are not safe enough. APSAC Advisor.

Hughes, R.C. & Rycus, J.S. (2013, September). Discussion of issues in differential response. Research on Social Work Practice, 23(5).  

Hughes, R.C., Rycus, J.S., Saunders-Adams, S.M., Hughes, K.N., and Hughes, L. (2013, September). Issues in differential response. Research on Social Work Practice, 23(5).  


Risk Assessment and Child Safety

Rycus, J.S. & Hughes, R. C. (2012). Assessing risk in child protective services. In Frysztacki, K. & Iliz, A. (Eds). Between America and Poland: Opole Sociological Studies. Cracow, PL: Nomos Publishing.

Rycus, J.S. & Hughes, R.C. (2008). Assessing risk throughout the life of a child welfare case. In Lindsay, D. & Shlonsky, A., (Eds). Child Welfare Research: Advances for Practice and Policy. Oxford University Press.  

Hughes, R.C. & Rycus, J.S. (2007). Issues in risk assessment in child protective services. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 1(1).  

Baird, C. and Rycus, J.S. (2004/2005, Fall/Winter). The contribution of decision theory to promoting child safety. APSAC Advisor, (16)4, (17)1.

Rycus, J.S. and Hughes, R.C. (2004, Winter). Issues in risk assessment in child protective services. APSAC Advisor (16)1.

Rycus, J.S. and Hughes, R.C. (2003). Issues in risk assessment in child protective services: A policy white paper. North American Resource Center for Child Welfare/Institute for Human Services.  

Psychological Maltreatment

Stormer, B., Chandler-Ofuya, N., Baker, A.J., Balin, T., Brassard, M.R., Kagan, J., & Rosenzweig, J.F. (2024). Caregiver psychological maltreatment behaviors toward children on TikTok. Child Maltreatment29(4), 587-600.


Positive Parenting

Baker, A.J.L., Holden, G., Schneiderman, M., Rycus, J.S. (2024). Issues in Brief: Positive Parenting as Defined in the Parenting Practices Literature—Issues and Recommendations. Child Maltreatment Policy Resource Center.

Baker, A.J.L., Holden, G., Schneiderman, M., Rycus, J.S. (2023). Issues in Brief: Positive Parenting as Defined in the Academic Literature—Issues and Recommendations. Child Maltreatment Policy Resource Center.


Intrafamilial Child Torture

Miller, P.J, Rycus, J.S., Vieth, V. (2022). Intrafamilial Child Torture:  Victim Impact and Professional Interventions. Child Maltreatment Policy Resource Center.

Miller, P.J. & Rycus, J.S. (2022). Treating Child Survivors of Intrafamilial Child Torture:  A Case Study. Child Maltreatment Policy Resource Center.

Miller, P.J., Rycus, J.S. (2021). Case study of a child survivor of intrafamilial child torture. Child Maltreatment Policy Resource Center.  

Miller, P. J., Rycus, J.S., Hughes, R.C. (2021). Intrafamilial child torture: Making the case for a distinct category of child maltreatment. APSAC Center for Child Policy.   


Youth on Adult Sex Offender Registries

Rosenzweig, J.F., Rycus, J.S., Nowlin, M., Papworth, D. (2023). Issues in Brief: Sex Offender Registration for Youth With Problematic Sexual Behaviors: What Happened When One State Discontinued This Practice? Child Maltreatment Policy Resource Center.


Adoption and Foster Care

Smalley, B.K. and Schooler, J.E. (2015). Telling the truth to your adopted or foster child: Making sense of the past. 2nd edition. ABC-Clio.

Schooler, J., Smalley, B.K., Callahan, T. (2009). Wounded children, healing homes: How traumatized children impact adoptive and foster families. Tyndale House.

Rycus, J.S., Freundlich, M., Hughes, R.C., Keefer, B., and Oakes E. (2006, April). Confronting barriers to adoption success. Family Court Review, 44(2).

Smalley, B.K. and Schooler, J.E. (2000). Telling the truth to your adopted or foster child: Making sense of the past. 1st edition. Greenwood Publishing, Bergin & Garvey.


Inservice Training Curricula and Training Resources in Child Welfare


Delaney, R., Nelson, C., Pacifici, C., White, L., Smalley, B.K. (2012). Web-enhanced preservice training for prospective resource parents: A randomized trial of effectiveness and user satisfaction. J Soc Serv Res, 38(4), 503-514.

Rycus, J. S., & Hughes, R. C. (2003). The Forrester family: A video case study and instructor's guide. Child Welfare League of America.

Smalley, B.K. (1999). Adoption Assessor Curriculum, Tier II. Institute for Human Services for the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program.

Smalley, B.K. (1997). Preservice Training for Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship Caregivers. Institute for Human Services for the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program. Revised 2008.

Smalley, B. K. (1996). Adoption Assessor Curriculum, Tier I. Institute for Human Services for the Ohio Child Welfare Training Program.

Rycus, J.S., Ginther, N.M., Maultsby, T., Houston, D., and Hughes, R.C. (1994) Training for child welfare caseworkers and supervisors in culture and diversity. A training curriculum. Institute for Human Services.

Hughes, R. C., Rycus, J. S., & Garrison, J. K. (1990). Child protective services: A training curriculum. Child Welfare League of America.

Hughes, R. C., Rycus, J. S., & Beeler, N. G. (1990). The effects of abuse and neglect on child development: A training curriculum. Child Welfare League of America.

Hughes, R. C., & Rycus, J. S. (1989). Casework process and case planning in child protective services: A training curriculum. Child Welfare League of America.

Hughes, R.C., & Rycus, J.S. (1988). Separation and placement in child protective services: A training curriculum. Child Welfare League of America.

Hughes, R.C., and Rycus, J.S. (1983) Child welfare services for children with developmental disabilities. Child Welfare League of America.

Rycus, J.S. and Van Hull, J. (1981). A Master of Social Work curriculum concentration in child welfare. Ohio State University College of Social Work.


Competency-Based Inservice Training


Rycus, J.S. (2005/06, Fall/Winter). Competencies for child welfare caseworkers serving children with disabilities. Impact, 19(1). Minneapolis, MN: Institute on Community Integration, Research and Training Center on Community Living, College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota.

Rycus, J.S. and Hughes, R.C. (2001). Levels of learning: A framework for organizing inservice training. Institute for Human Services.

Rycus, J.S. and Hughes, R.C. (2000). What is competency-based inservice training? Institute for Human Services

Rycus, J.S. (2000). Transfer of Learning. Institute for Human Services.

Breitenstein, L., Rycus, J., Sites, E., & Kelley, K.J. (1997). Pennsylvania's comprehensive approach to training and education in public child welfare. Public Welfare. Spring, 1997.

Hughes, R.C., and Rycus, J.S. (1994). Competencies for child welfare. Institute for Human Services.

Rycus, J.S., Beeler, N.G., Tyler, L., and Hughes, R.C. (1994). An orientation and self-directed learning manual for child welfare caseworkers. Institute for Human Services.

Hughes, R.C., and Rycus, J.S. (1989). Target: Competent staff. Competency-based inservice training for child welfare. Child Welfare League of America.

Hughes, R.C. and Hartford, M.Z. (1988). Needs assessment: The key to competency-based inservice training. National Center for Supervision and Management Quarterly Newsletter. University of Southern Maine.

Rycus, J.S. (1978). Essentials of inservice training for child welfare workers. Child Welfare, 17(6).


International Child Welfare

Nguyen, J., Hughes, K.N., Donnay, S., Giray, C., & Scott, T. (2020). Trauma-informed responses to immigration policies and practices. Society for Community Research and Action, American Psychological Association.

Rycus, J.S. (2013). Roles of churches: Discussion guide. World Without Orphans.

Hughes, R.C. (2011, fall). APSAC and the first Russian-American child welfare forum. APSAC Advisor, 23(4), p. 2-3.

Hughes, R.C., Rycus, J.S., & Palusci, V.J. (2011, fall). APSAC presentations at the first Russian-American child welfare forum. APSAC Advisor, 23(4).